The Sonoma Valley Film Festival traditionally takes place in April in Sonoma, California and is hosted by the Sonoma Valley Film Society. The 10th anniversary of the film festival in 2007 honored two-time Academy Award winning director John Lasseter of Pixar and Disney Animation studios.
The 11th annual Sonoma Valley Film Festival (held April 9–13, 2008) showcased more than 75 new independent films, with paired tastings before every film screening of regional cuisine and wine from over 30 Sonoma Valley wineries.
The 12th annual Sonoma International Film Festival (held April 1–5, 2009) estimated a total attendance of 18,700 at the 2009 Festival[1].
In 2009 the Sonoma Valley Film Festival expanded its festival brand to include more international films. The name then changed to the Sonoma International Film Festival as it is currently known today.